Previous: Calling the Boclips API

Integrating the Boclips Player into your web app

In order to integrate our video player into your web application, you’re going to need just a couple of things:

  1. a way to fetch Boclips API access tokens (described here and here),

  2. the Boclips player sources,

  3. a video to display!

Now let’s see how to put this together and show a playable video to your users! 🛠

    <script type="text/javascript" (1)
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" (1)
    <div id="container"></div> (2)
      const renderPlayer = () => {
        const container = document.querySelector('#container'); (2)
        const playerOptions = {
          api: {
            tokenFactory: () => YourService.getBoclipsAccessToken() (3)
        const player = Boclips.PlayerFactory.get(container, playerOptions);
        player.loadVideo(''); (4)
      window.onload = (_event) => renderPlayer();
1 Player sources
2 A container to render the player in
3 A factory function to return Boclips API tokens
4 Loading the video into the player (URL hardcoded for simplicity, consider using links instead)

Above is a minimal example that you can copy to get yourself started quickly.

Our player repository contains a few demo projects too — give them a go if you’re interested in the different ways of setting it up.